februari 5, 2021

The short dark January days in Stockholm are often brightened by snowfall. It lays a carpet of crystals that transform the world around us. For k.ö.k to still meet up during this Winter and pandemic we have also transformed our time of cooking and eating together in cosy self-built spaces to a series of outdoor walks, exploring the locality or special sites that we guide each other around. After a wet Winter that has seen us crunch through gravel and drink coffee from flasks in biting winds, the snow brought welcome new terrain to navigate. As we set off carefully so as not to slide our way down onto Järvafältet we learned it was two of the member’s birthdays (Muna and XX) and the sun that we had not seen in weeks broke through the clouds. The dazzling quiet open field was interrupted with our birthday songs and laughter and new foot prints making our way to Eggeby Gård, which is hibernating through this pandemic Winter. We stopped at a bench there and unpacked a picnic with treats and tea. As another round of ’happy birthday’ was sung, camera phones came out and portraits and group pictures were amassed as the snow offered the perfect backdrop. Before feet froze we packed up and walked back talking of plans for other walks and the perspective that while we miss being close and relaxed inside, we are finding new ways to share our experiences and knowledge together. The cold air enters our lungs and leaves warm.