Our k.ö.k

Imagine a room, women sitting on chairs and low benches. A woman lying down on the soft carpet. A hurting back, hands that do not obey. Tea, coffee and fruit on a tray. A plastic box with homemade kubba, fresh bread and some leftover cookies. A woman shows an image of her as a small child in Pakistan 60 years ago. It triggers questions, memories, conversations, tears and laughter. Phone’s ping as an image is sent around our whatsapp group. Someone sighs, while one gets up to walk around, a new woman enters. We talk about how society is getting more unequal. Someone wants to expel all men, other object. Everyone wants change. Tulay calls from the kitchen, it’s time to start cooking together. We do that a lot. We eat, and then continue writing our collective manifesto for struggle and sickness.

k.ö.k (Kvinnor önskar kollektivitet – Women Desire Collectivity) experiments with ways to build a feminist institution from within the existing community of The Women’s Centre in Tensta Hjulsta.

k.ö.k has a feminist activity programme that is based on a shared and mutual exchange of knowledge, anchored in the existing knowledge at the centre.

k.ö.k reflects upon and supports opportunities for women to organise and resist oppression, marginalisation, and invisibility.

k.ö.k. consists of the following parts:
k.ö.k everyday – we meet every two weeks to discuss, make and eat together.
k.ö.k bio – we watch films together that focus on women’s experiences and organising
k.ö.k Sunday – we invite guests to share their knowledge of women’s organising and collectivity.
k.ö.k reading group – we read texts about feminist organising.
k.ö.k. extra – everything else we do

Here on the website you can find information about how we organise, what we do, when we eat, what we read and what we see.

All k.ö.k events are free and welcome to all women, trans and non-binary people.